Arduinna's Stargate SG-1 Handbook
Arduinna's Stargate SG-1 Handbook

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Last updated: April 12, 2006
through The Ties That Bind


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NOTE: spoilers for unaired eps

Please don't write to me with spoilers about episodes that haven't aired yet in the United States, even little tiny minor ones that you assume everyone knows. I understand that most of the fandom loves and thrives on spoilers, but I genuinely do not. I don't download episodes, so I know nothing about anything that hasn't aired yet, from plot to cast/guest actors, and I Do Not Want To Know. I don't even watch the previews for the next week, or read the TiVo description before I see the episode I also avoid rumors and speculation, and all cast/crew interviews. If you're not sure an episode has aired yet, check the SciFi episode guide if the episode isn't listed/linked, I don't want to know anything about it. This includes any and all information about SG:Atlantis, including casting. Thanks.

Caveat Lector:

The flip side of that coin: These pages contain spoilers for every aired episode up to and including THE TIES THAT BIND. I don't claim that this is a complete collection of info, and I expect to be adding to it regularly -- both stuff from new eps, and stuff from older eps as I come across it. These pages also contain some personal opinion I write this first and foremost for myself, and even if that weren't the case, everything I see gets filtered through my own perceptions before I can write it down. I try very hard to mark any place where I'm offering an opinion or an editorial comment, and to be as evenhanded and factual about everything else as possible, but I make no claim that this site is 100% objective.


All pages are accessible via the drop-down menu in the upper right portion of every page. There's also a site index, where every major term on the site is listed and linked directly back to its main entry. The search function (next to the drop-down menu at the top of each page) will bring you page links to find something within a page, use your browser's " find in page" function. The search is advertising-supported I have no control over the advertising links that show up above the search results, but they're easy to ignore. If you can't find something using the search engine, try the site index often, the problem is using a spelling different than the one I have on the site, which will return no search results.

There are also links across the bottom of every page, if you lose the frame or the drop-down menu isn't working. Those include links to my other pages. Throughout the site, a link to other information in this reference site will open inside the frame any external link will open in a new window, including links to my other pages. (If you notice an external link opening inside the frame, please let me know so I can fix it!)

Within each page, there's now a side navigation bar that you can use to get to any point within the page. As with all frames on the site other than the top and left border, this is resizable, although it should default to a readable size for just about everyone. My sincere apologies to anyone on a 640x600 resolution screen -- the internal frames are going to be nearly impossible for you, and my best advice is to click on the " break out of the frame" link on any page, and navigate by the links across the bottom of the page.

I've tried to make it as easy as possible to find things via drop-down menu, search function, site index, and cross-reference links, but am always completely open to suggestions on how to improve it.



Can be found here.


All spellings are taken from or closed-captioning, with one exception. Both of those say that Tau'ri is actually Tauri. I can't bring myself to take the apostrophe out it just looks wrong to me without it. So for this one instance, I'm going with my personal quirk rather than the official ruling. (Also, in some cases, the show has changed the spelling on a word I generally stick with the original spelling, since it's what I got used to.)

Timing of events:

I consider each season to happen during a calendar year, rather than going by airdates, for several reasons, largely revolving around the difficulties of reconciling airdates with length of action (e.g., cliffhanger season endings). Most important, though, was the show's own dated canon: in Politics, reference is made to Jack's report about the first mission to Chulak (Children of the Gods) being dated February 23 'of this year', and the mission itself occurring on February 10, 1997. With Politics being at the end of the season, and the reference being phrased like that, everything between CotG and Politics has to have happened in 1997. So I use that as my basis for every season thereafter. That means the seasons break down like this (with a certain amount of wiggle room for cross-season cliffhangers, of course):

Season Year



nb: In late eighth season, prop canon (a calendar) appeared in Citizen Joe suggesting that the end of first season happened in August 1997. I believe that that compresses the season's timeline too much, and screws up too much of the future timeline -- if that date is correct, there's absolutely no way to know when anything else happened. So for simplicity's sake, I'm sticking to one season per calendar year.

Specific Episodes:

Double Jeopardy:

I'm including things that happened to the robot team, always in (parens) since it's not specifically 'our' team. But they are the SG-1 of our universe. Sorta. So stuff that happened to them counts. Sorta.

The Other Guys:

Since my take on the episode is that the entire thing barring the very last minute in the lab was a MarySue fantasy on the part of Felger, I can't include anything beyond the two scientists's names, basically. See the Nitpicks page for details. (UPDATE: Future references to the ep have made it necessary for me to accept that Felger and Coombs were offworld with SG-1 and in some way helped save the team's lives -- but I still think most of it is a romanticized fantasy, for my original reasons.) I'm happy to listen to arguments about the total reality of the episode, but I'm very unlikely to be convinced. To see a full summary and reviews of the episode, try Gateworld's listing at . (The review will make fans of the episode happy, since Morjana loved the episode and accepted its reality, unlike me.)

Avenger 2.0:

Like The Other Guys, I believe that Felger's biased memory is a huge part of Avenger 2.0. After Reckoning part 2 confirmed the core events, I added more information from the episode, but there still isn't much from scenes where Felger was alone or with no one but Chloe -- his fantasy life is canonically too omnipresent to be able to trust anything that a major character isn't around to substantiate (in both episodes, he daydreams explicitly while supposedly working, building fantasy relationships with the people he wants to be noticed by). I'm happy to listen to arguments in favor of the total reality of the episode, but I have to say upfront, the odds that I'll be convinced are vanishingly poor. As always, see the Nitpicks page to see what my main problems were with the episode. If you want more detailed information about the episode, try Gateworld's take on it, at

New Order:

I took the notes for New Order from the original airing, when it was one solid episode. Everything is marked just New Order, with no indication of which part it's from, because I wasn't sure where the split would happen.

Moebius parts 1 & 2

Obviously, much of what happened in these two episodes doesn't apply to anything after Moebius part 2. Any information that stays the same after the timeline alteration (or that can reasonably be assumed to stay the same) is included in the appropriate places in the site, but as soon as the timeline splits -- i.e., as soon as Daniel finds the book in Catherine's effects in Moebius part 1 -- almost everything is listed on the Altered Timeline page. Nothing there counts as genuine history for the characters or universe post-Moebius.

Stargate Infinity:

I watched the first couple of episodes, and gave up. I can't reconcile that universe with the SG-1 universe, so there's no Stargate Infinity information on this site, and never will be. If you need info about it, see the Gateworld page for it.

Stargate Atlantis:

I've created a companion site for Stargate Atlantis, at The look and feel is the same as this site (with different colors), so it should be easy to navigate if you're used to this one. You can switch between sites easily on the drop-down navigation across the top frame, or via the navigation table at the bottom of each page.

Last updated: April 12, 2006
through The Ties That Bind


If you want to be informed when the page is updated,
subscribe to sg_handbook on Yahoogroups,
or add sg_handbook to your LJ Friends list

Amendments, corrections, and additions are always welcome at .
All I ask is that you please don't include any spoilers, no matter how minor, for episodes that haven't aired yet in the US.
Many, many thanks to everyone who's pointed out mistakes and missing stuff that I should add.
If you've written to me and I haven't responded to you, I'm not ignoring you, just swamped.
I answer everything eventually, I promise.

Frame-free navigation

Stargate Handbook home | Stargate SG-1 home | Stargate Atlantis home

SG-1 handbook:
Site index | Updates | FAQ
Old updates: 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001

Basic Universe:
Universe | Planets | Stargates
| Timeline
Jack | Daniel | Sam | Teal'c |
| Cameron
Tau'ri - SGC:
SGC | SGC Personnel | SG Units
Tau'ri - Other:
303 Program | Ancient Outpost |
Military | NID | Politics |
Russians | Trust | Misc. Tau'ri
Goa'uld(s) | Goa'uld language |
Goa'uld other
Elder Races:
Alterans | Ancients | Ascendants |
Asgard | Furlings | Nox
| Ori
Other Races:
Jaffa | Langarans | Replicators |
Tok'ra | Tollans
Misc. Aliens | Misc. Humans
Bits and Pieces:
Altered timeline | Links | Medals |
Miscellaneous | Nitpicks
Show Details:
Arcs | Continuity |
Episode list | Writers | Directors
Episode Summaries:
All seasons
Season: One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight
| Nine
Other pages home: Stories | Rants | Reference | Images


This is purely a fan site, owned and maintained by one person. I have no connection to any of the owners, cast, or crew of the movie Stargate or the television series Stargate SG-1 or Stargate Atlantis, and am making no profit from this site. All canon information is taken directly from the episodes or movie; all speculation and editorial comments are my own unless otherwise noted. The information itself (e.g., naquadria is an unstable element) is free to be used anywhere. The way that information is presented here (my phrasing, my formatting, etc.) belongs to me. Do not republish or redistribute my work, in whole or in part, without my express permission.

This site and its contents ©2000-2006. All rights reserved.