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Teyla Emmagen


General background info

An Athosian woman, clearly a leader among her people -- although not a dictatorial one, and her position didn't restrict her from doing other things, such as joining Sheppard's team. (Rising pt 1, Rising pt 2, Hide and Seek)

She's a completely kickasss fighter. (multiple eps)

She can sense the Wraith from a distance, giving her a  survival advantage, although it's no guarantee she won't be captured (again). (Rising pt 2)

She has one of the strongest Wraith-sensing abilities among the Athosians -- she was always one of the first to know when the Wraith were approaching. (The Gift)

The ability comes from Wraith DNA that was spliced into the genetic code of one of her ancestors -- making Teyla a tiny part Wraith. (The Gift)

For reasons never made clear, she chose to join Sheppard's team and become what amounted to a full member of the expeditionary forces, even though this weakened her position among the Athosians, who turned increasingly to Halling to be their voice. (Rising pt 1, Rising pt 2, Thirty-Eight Minutes, Suspicion)

When the Athosians moved to the mainland to begin new lives, Teyla chose to stay behind on Atlantis. (Suspicion)

It was the first time she'd ever been separated from her people. (Suspicion)








Raised on Athos.


Marital status




none known


Other family


One of her parents, probably her father. (Rising pt 1)

It isn't clear whether it's her father or mother -- she told Sumner she was the 'daughter of Tagar'. But she also only ever refers to her father, never her mother, so I'm going with that. (Rising pt 1)

He used to tell stories of creatures that fed on humans like the Wraith, but Teyla  always believed them to be nothing but stories to keep the children from wandering too far. Turns out he may have been telling the truth -- Sheppard was attacked by a big bug that latched on and wouldn't let go, draining his life even as it steadily paralyzed him. (Thirty-Eight Minutes)

He asked their family friend Charin not to tell Teyla the probably origins of her Wraith-sensing gift, not wanting her to know that her lineage included a person who was outcast from another world as someone taken by Wraith and returned (and who may well have heard voices or been violent -- although the ones who were actively violent were probably killed when the villagers on the other world massacred most of the taken). (The Gift)





He'd been a friend of her father's, and Teyla had clearly continued the relationship. Trade seemed to be the main basis for contact, but  enough  genuine affection had built up for Teyla to consider him family. (Letters from Pegasus)


An elderly Athosian woman, whom Teyla knew her whole life. As a child, she used to paint pictures for Charin ('beautiful pictures') and sing songs of the Ancients to her. As an adult and leader of her people, Teyla always found time to visit her -- at least until she joined the Atlanteans. (The Gift)

When Teyla asked her if Charin knew why Teyla could sense the Wraith, Charin said Teyla's father had asked her not to tell. When Teyla gently insisted, Charin told her that no other living Athosian knew of it, for good reason.


Romantic interests







She has various drapey hangings in her Atlantis quarters, softening the look and feel a lot. (The Gift)




Pre-Atlantis career

She was a leader among the Athosians, although she didn't stand on ceremony. (Rising pt 1)


Atlantis career

She accepted a spot on Sheppard's team when he asked, but was also still acting as liaison with her own people,   and still functioning as a leader for them (although not in a monarchist sense, at all -- she led them because they chose to follow her, pretty much). (Hide and Seek)

She was put in a tough position when Weir and Sgt Bates decided not only that there must be a spy on Atlantis, but that the spy must be Athosian. Teyla was not happy with the accusation against her people, whom she'd known all her life, but went along. The other Athosians weren't pleased that she didn't make a more obvious stand, and didn't include her in their meeting where they discussed their grievances about how they were being treated, and what they would do about it. When she showed up anyway, she told them that she knew it couldn't possibly be an Athosian, and therefore they had nothing to fear from the precautions being taken. She asked them to show patience, saying that the speed and frequency with which the Wraith showed up on their offworld missions couldn't be a coincidence, and that Weir would need time to find out what was going on, for the protection of everyone on Atlantis. While they heard what she was saying, they didn't welcome it -- several deliberately left their backs turned to her, and Halling merely said that ' They may reside here, Teyla, but they are not the Ancestors, no matter how much you wish them to be.'   (Suspicion)

After speaking with her people, she inserted herself into the interview list by means of showing up and walking in -- wearing Athosian clothes, nothing remotely Terran. When Weir said she was surprised to see her and that she hadn't thought it was necessary to speak to Teyla, Teyla sat down and genty corrected her that, in fact, she should have spoken to her first.  (Suspicion)

She refused to be questioned by Stackhouse, keeping her attention on Weir and treating her as an equal.  (Suspicion)

Once it was discovered that she had Wraith DNA and potentially the ability to tap into the Wraiths' telepathic network, she agreed to be hypnotized to try to gain information about the Wraith. (The Gift)

Her first attempt put her inside a Wraith who was on a hive ship -- and feeding. Weir, horrified, pulled her out. Teyla wasn't thrilled at having felt the Wraith feed, but felt the information she could gather was more important, and demanded to try again. (The Gift)

Her second attempt got her into a control center on a hive ship, but also let a Wraith into her head, to look through her eyes. It told the people around the bed (Heightmeyer, Beckett, Weir, and Sheppard) that they were all pathetic, and that nothing could stop them (the Wraith). It took two  electric jolts to snap Teyla back into her own mind.  Beckett  sedated  her. When she woke up from the sedation, she told Ford that she'd seen a hologram, maybe a map -- and that she'd felt the Wraith's desperation because of their too-high numbers, which they couldn't sustain without more plentiful food sources. She wanted to try again, to get more information. (The Gift)

Her third attempt let her see the hologram more clearly, but also gave faster, stronger access to her mind, and she was taken over very quickly by   a Wraith, who used her body to start knocking people around. She punched Beckett hard enough to drop him, clubbed Sheppard over the back with a pole of some kind, and threw Ford across the room. Before she could take out Weir, Bates hit her twice in the back with a Wraith stunner. (The Gift)

When she woke up, she told them she'd seen their travel path -- and also discovered the reason they were coming to Atlantis. They knew that Atlantis was the only way to Earth, and they wanted a new, rich feeding ground. (The Gift)

Colonel Everett wasn't sure he could trust Teyla not to come under Wraith influence, so despite Sheppard's glowing reports and absolute faith in her, Everett sidelined her from Atlantis's defense when he first met her. Later, when the Wraith were in the city -- which they only knew because Teyla sensed their presence and immediately informed Weir -- Teyla approached with several Athosians, offering their services in hunting the Wraith. Everett armed them all and sent them out, saying nothing more about Teyla's connection to the Wraith. (The Siege part 2)

When the first batch of Wraith had been killed, Teyla and Everett were standing together on the gallery level above the stargate watching her people take casualties through the gate (presumably to the alpha site). He told her he was sorry she'd lost some people, and meant it. (The Siege part 2)



At least a few words of Ancient, for use in prayers, and possibly more than that. (Hide and Seek)



Pain & Death

Severe injuries / illness






Confirmed deaths



Confirmed kills

Note: Wraith are very, very hard to kill, and humans may have access to medical help. A kill actually has to be confirmed by someone on the screen, or has to be incredibly obvious, for me to count it.



Personal enemies











Musical tastes



Food preferences



Personal habits



Mental contact with Wraith

Once it was discovered that she had Wraith DNA and potentially the ability to tap into the Wraiths' telepathic network, she agreed to be hypnotized to try to gain information about the Wraith. (The Gift)

Her first attempt put her inside a Wraith who was on a hive ship -- and feeding. Weir, horrified, pulled her out. Teyla wasn't thrilled at having felt the Wraith feed, but felt the information she could gather was more important, and demanded to try again. (The Gift)

Her second attempt got her into a control center on a hive ship, but also let a Wraith into her head, to look through her eyes. It told the people around the bed (Heightmeyer, Beckett, Weir, and Sheppard) that they were all pathetic, and that nothing could stop them (the Wraith). It took two  electric jolts to snap Teyla back into her own mind.  Beckett  sedated  her. When she woke up from the sedation, she told Ford that she'd seen a hologram, maybe a map -- and that she'd felt the Wraith's desperation because of their too-high numbers, which they couldn't sustain without more plentiful food sources. She wanted to try again, to get more information. (The Gift)

Her third attempt let her see the hologram more clearly, but also gave faster, stronger access to her mind, and she was taken over very quickly by   a Wraith, who used her body to start knocking people around. She punched Beckett hard enough to drop him, clubbed Sheppard over the back with a pole of some kind, and threw Ford across the room. Before she could take out Weir, Bates hit her twice in the back with a Wraith stunner. (The Gift)

When she woke up, she told them she'd seen their travel path -- and also discovered the reason they were coming to Atlantis. They knew that Atlantis was the only way to Earth, and they wanted a new, rich feeding ground. (The Gift)

She offered to make contact with the Wraith again during the second attack against Atlantis, when 10 hive ships were bombarding the city's shields. The plan was to fake a self-destruct by detonating a nuke above the shield and then cloaking the city. To help convince the Wraith, Teyla made mental contact moments before the nuke was detonated, giving the very strong impression that the expedition was about to destroy the city rather than let it fall into Wraith hands. It worked. (The Siege part 3)


Random misc

When she was a child on Athos, she used to play in caves where she believed the survivors of the last Wraith culling hid.  (Rising pt 1)

Her father gave her a locket when she was a child. She lost it for many years, then Sheppard found it and returned it to her when she showed him the caves. Unbeknownst to either of them, it was a Wraith device designed to track Ancients -- and Sheppard activated it when he picked it up. The team was tracked by Wraith for the next three months until McKay figured out what was going on. (Rising pt 1, Suspicion)

The necklace, activated by Sheppard, is undoubtedly why Athos was attacked precisely when it was.

Not superstitious: despite her people's belief that the Wraith would come if they went into the ' city of the Ancestors' , her reaction to Sumner and Sheppard's wish to go there was to tell them that her people hadn't tested that belief in some time -- letting them go with no further argument. (Rising pt 1)

She has the ability to sense the Wraith, giving her (and those around her) some warning before culling. (Rising pt 2)

She's a fast, strong runner -- easily faster than Sheppard. (Rising pt 2)

She was understandably upset when she found out that the Terrans were assuming that the spy they thought they had in their midst must have been an Athosian. She pointed out that she knew each Athosian on the base personally, and that their people had suffered untold horror for generations at the hands of the Wraith, to no avail. (Suspicion)

She spars barefoot and in a skirt split into several sections, providing great freedom of movement. (Hot Zone)

Carries a knife hidden in an ankle sheath -- the trouser-leg unzips right there, making for very easy access. (The Brotherhood)

She was having severe nightmares when the Wraith were approaching Atlantis, and didn't understand why.

They involved a Wraith roaming the empty halls of Atlantis and entering her room to kill her. She'd wake up from that nightmare and go to Sheppard's quarters, only to pull back his covers and find a dessicated corpse in his bed. Worse, eventually it felt like she was the Wraith standing over her bed looking down at herself. (The Gift)

The nightmares were affecting her personality and performance enough (she was snappish and was beaten by Sheppard during a stick-fighting session) that Sheppard got concerned and sent Dr. Heightmeyer to talk to her. As soon as Teyla figured out what was going on, she got offended and walked away from Heightmeher. (The Gift)

She was worried that people would think she was crazy, and that she'd lose the hard-won respect she'd earned. (The Gift)

Eventually, the nightmares got bad enough (apparently when she started seeing/feeling herself as a Wraith) that she went to Heightmeyer voluntarily. (The Gift)

When she was told that she had some Wraith DNA in her genetic makeup, she was even more worried what people would think. (The Gift)

She went back to Heightmeyer, this time sitting in her chair with her knees drawn up to her chest and her ankles crossed -- almost an upright fetal position -- saying that she knew it wasn't her fault, and that she was the same person she had been the day before, but that she felt different, and she was worried her people would no longer see her as a leader with a helpful gift, but someone to be feared. (The Gift)

Later, when Weir determined that she should have the ability to hear Wraith thoughts, she agreed to let Dr. Heightmeyer hyptonize her, in an attempt to gain intelligence about the Wraith plans and position. (The Gift)

When Sheppard's team came in hot from an attack on M1M-316, Bates's first reaction was  that Teyla must have unwittingly given their position away to the Wraith. Teyla was furious at the accusation, and followed him to demand an explanation. Bates was entirely unrepentant, telling her that he was willing to believe she wasn't aware of what she was doing, but that he still considered her a security threat, and thought she shouldn't be allowed to move freely around the base. She told him that being accused of helping the Wraith was the worst possible insult among her people. He replied that he was aware of that, and she lost her temper and hit him hard (with her elbow, not her hand, for greater effect). Ford and Sheppard showed up and separated them before it could escalate, with Bates telling Teyla this wasn't over yet. (The Siege part 1)


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