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Ancient Outpost




Millions of years ago, the Ancients lived in the city of Atlantis on the Antarctic continent, protected by a force shield. (Rising, pt 1)

Several million years ago (likely at least 3 million), they left Earth, flying away in the city itself, apparently headed for the Pegasus galaxy. (Rising, pt 1)

They left behind an armed outpost with an Ancient as a guardian of some sort -- probably Ayiana, but there's no definitive proof of that (the actress was the same, but no one said her name). (Rising, pt 1)

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When the SGC found a world that contained a repository of Ancient knowledge, they tried to retrieve it, to no avail. With Anubis breathing down their necks, Jack stuck his head in it and once again downloaded an entire Ancient database into his brain. The team blew the repository up to keep it from falling into Anubis's hands, and fled. (SG1: Lost City pts 1 & 2)

As the knowledge took over his mind over the next several days, Jack led the rest of SG-1 to a world called Praclarush Taonas, where there was an Ancient outpost with a still-working ZPM, and a map leading back to the next step toward Atlantis -- Earth. SG-1 returned to Earth, and Jack centered their ship over the buried outpost in Antarctica, using modified ring transporters to bore a hole through the ice to allow him (and the others) to transport down. (SG1: Lost City pts 1 & 2)

Jack, still a walking repository of Ancient knowledge (and with the necessary gene), used the command chair to trigger an energy weapon against Anubis's invading forces, successfully destroying them and saving Earth. (SG1: Lost City pt 2)

Once the world was safe, the outpost became a center for classified scientific research, supervised by Dr. Elizabeth Weir and under the umbrella command of General George Hammond. (SG1: New Order)

The dome protecting the outpost was compromised when a rogue drone (" energy squid" ) went through it -- no idea how much damage that caused or how long it took to fix, but things in the outpost would have been very cold for a while, at least. (Rising pt 1)

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Scientific mission

General info

The outpost was an international effort, with scientist from many different countries all conducting research under the supervision of Dr. Elizabeth Weir. (Rising pt 1)

The cold-weather gear people were wearing was a variety of brands, including North Face. (Rising pt 1)


Dr. Carson Beckett discovered the gene that allowed some humans to use certain Ancient technology, but only a handful of people appeared to have it. (Rising pt 1)

After testing as many people as they could get their hands on (given that they needed to have people with appropriate security clearance, which has to have narrowed the pool considerably), they had roughly a dozen people who, with training and concentration, could make the Ancient technology work. (Rising pt 1)

John Sheppard was the first person they found who could use the technology naturally, without having to put a lot of effort into it. (Rising pt 1)

Daniel, on temporary loan to the outpost to continue the search for the Lost City, eventually he figured out that they'd all missed something: the Ancients had moved on to another galaxy. Once he realized that the " seventh" gate symbol they'd found (the symbol for Earth, the point of origin) was really the eighth, he also found the actual seventh symbol, completing the address. With that, it became possible to travel to what they hoped would be Atlantis, if they could find enough power for the wormhole. (Rising pt 1)

McKay figured out that the ZPM (Zero Point Module) gets/generates its power from vacuum energy, derived from a self-containing region of space/time. (Rising pt 1)



Dr. Carson Beckett

Medical doctor. (Rising pt 1)

He discovered the Ancient gene that allowed some humans (like Jack) to use certain Ancient technology. (Rising pt 1)

He had the gene himself, but wasn't happy about it -- he was afraid of the Ancient technology, and didn't want to be responsible for using it. He wanted to stay in his comfort zone as a doctor. (Rising pt 1)

When McKay tried to get him to use the command chair, Beckett tried to beg off, which annoyed McKay tremendously. (Rising pt 1)

McKay convinced (bullied) him to try again, and got him to concentrate enough that Beckett managed to activate the chair. Unfortunately, he also activated the drone (energy squid) that was being studied in the outpost, which took off, wreaking a bit of havoc in the base before heading for the surface and targeting the helicopter carrying General Jack O'Neill and Major John Sheppard. (Rising pt 1)

He managed to deactivate it just seconds before it would have destroyed the helicopter -- but if Sheppard hadn't been such a good pilot (his evasive maneuvers gave Beckett enough time to figure out what he was doing), they would have been dead. (Rising pt 1)

Although Weir addressed him by his first name, he called her " Dr. Weir" . (Rising pt 1)

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Dr. Daniel Jackson

On temporary loan to the outpost, to continue the search for the Lost City by using the information that was being discovered there.   (Rising pt 1)

Eventually he figured out that they'd all missed something: the Ancients had moved on to another galaxy. Once he realized that the " seventh" gate symbol they'd found (the symbol for Earth, the point of origin) was really the eighth, he also found the actual seventh symbol, completing the address. With that, it became possible to travel to what they hoped would be Atlantis, if they could find enough power for the wormhole. (Rising pt 1)

See " Daniel" for full details before and after his outpost assignment.

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Dr. Rodney McKay

See " McKay" for pre- and post-outpost details.

McKay had himself tested twice for the Ancient gene in his eagerness to possess it, to no avail -- he was pure human. (Rising pt 1)

Probably because he didn't have the gene, he refused to call it " advanced" , insisting it was just a random happening that didn't make someone special or better. (Rising pt 1)

He was attempting to interface Ancient technology with current tech, but it wasn't working especially well. (Rising pt 1)

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Dr. Elizabeth Weir

Addressed both Beckett and McKay by their first names -- possibly on a first-name basis with all the civilian scientists under her command. (Rising pt 1)

When Daniel announced that the Ancients had moved on to the Pegasus galaxy, and said they could go there if they wanted to, she told him that she'd been picking people for that expedition for months. (see nitpick about that) (Rising pt 1)

See " Weir" for pre- and post-outpost details.

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